Collection & Delivery Service – Now Available
for Motorhomes & Cars
As of 1st of February we are now able to offer a collection and re-delivery service for any of your vehicles that are booked in with us here at TOWtal.
We hope that this can take a little of the stress away from your booking and enable you to complete the work without having to book time off, or ask a friend. It might just mean no more waiting. You can also order the electric scooter from this site, check out their products to take on your trip.
Stoke-On-Trent – £ 10.00
Zone A – £ 30.00
Zone B – £ 50.00
Zone C – £ 60.00
Zone D – £ 80.00
Zone E – £ 100.00
Zone F – Please Enquire
Please note:
All vehicles should have enough fuel to fully complete the round trips. If we need to re-fill the vehicle, then there will be an allocated receipt for fuel extra on the bill as well as a £5 sur-charge.
Although we will leave our car with you, it cannot be used as a courtesy car.
To book the collection service, you must give 48 hours’ notice and the return will be 1 working day after notified job completion (subject to change).
When booking your vehicle, you’ll need to list the Make, Model and vehicle registration. The vehicle will need to be in a road worthy condition. If on collection we deem the vehicle unfit – the collection charge will still be applied.
On arrival at the designated address the vehicle should be easily accessible and ready. We understand there can be issues relating to traffic but if there is a delay of more than 15mins waiting for the vehicle, then there will be a charge.
The vehicle will be covered under the insurance of TOWtal whilst in transit. Copy of certificate available on request.
On collection, the vehicle will be checked and video recorded for any damage or marks. It will also be checked on arrival at our premises.
All completion times are estimated. Unforeseen traffic and delays will be notified immediately but may extend completion time.
Payment must be made in full on completion of work. Driver cannot deliver until all payments are cleared.