My First show with the new Ma-Ve and SR Mecatronic Team
My first NEC show as part of the Ma-Ve and SR Mecatronic team and life’s still full of surprises.
Old faces from the likes of Knaus, Weinsburg and Bailey pop up but, after 30 years in the industry, I’m still meeting new people. It was great to meet up with the teams from Glide Rite, LCI Lippert and Alko to name a few.
It’s still a wonderful industry to work in with many kind and thoughtful people. I was genuinely humbled by the good wishes from the teams at Avtex, Prima, Broad Lane and far too many more to mention.
It’s certainly true what people were saying – automatic levelling would appear to be the product for 2019, as borne out by so many of the Caravan Writers Guild and their colleagues visiting our stand on the Tuesday evening.
Always hard work getting round to support everyone but a pleasure of course to have a presence on Frankia, Globecar, Hobby and Auto-Sleeper with great pride in the Ma-Ve levelling system fitted to the Auto-Sleeper Bourton on the Mercedes stand.
Now, after the show, it’s back to the day job – following up on all the leads, both on satellite systems and levelling. In time honoured fashion the app for the SR Mecatronic products was launched by Apple 2 days after the show. I never thought I could get excited about these modern ideas but Wow! The app is great.
Keep a close eye on and for more new additions and improvements to the satellite and levelling products.
We’re always interested in talking to dealers as well as end users so feel free to contact any of the Ma-Ve and SR Mecatronic team if you want to know more about the products.